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Development deployment

Local development deployment supports debugging and hot-reloading both on back-end and front-end. To get a local development instance up and running please follow the following steps.


Recommended and tested environment for development and deployment is Ubuntu Linux distribution. If you are going to use another OS or distribution please make changes accordingly. Make sure that the following tools installed globally on your machine:


For local development it is strongly advised to use pyenv tool to manage an exact Python version that is used by back-end Docker containers. As time of the writing, it is Python 3.8.10. It is also suggested to use Python virtual environments (see Creation of virtual environments).


Clone the histoCAT repo

git clone

Install all necessary PyPI and NPM packages on your local machine

make bootstrap

Deploy development Docker containers locally

make deploy-development

One can access locally deployed version of AirLab at http://localhost.

Run development version of front-end app (with automatic hot-reloading).

make serve-frontend

One can access locally deployed version of AirLab with hot-reloading and debugging capabilities at http://localhost:9999. Please keep in mind that this functionality is only supported on local machines with DOMAIN env variable set to localhost!