
The readimc package exports two classes for reading IMC .mcd and IMC .txt files:

from readimc import MCDFile, TXTFile

Loading IMC .txt files

IMC .txt files can be loaded as follows:

with TXTFile("/path/to/file.txt") as f:
    print(f.channel_names)  # metals
    print(f.channel_labels)  # targets

Reading IMC acquisitions

The acquisition contained in an IMC .txt file can be read as follows:

with TXTFile("/path/to/file.txt") as f:
    img = f.read_acquisition()  # numpy array, shape: (c, y, x), dtype: float32


IMC .txt files only contain a single IMC acquisition.

Loading IMC .mcd files

IMC .mcd files can be loaded as follows:

with MCDFile("/path/to/") as f:
    num_slides = len(f.slides)


Although uncommon, a single IMC .mcd file can contain multiple slides. Each slide can have zero or more panorama images and zero or more IMC acquisitions.

Extracting metadata

Basic metadata on slides, panoramas and acquisitions can be accessed through properties:

with MCDFile("/path/to/") as f:
    # first slide
    slide = f.slides[0]
    # first panorama of first slide
    panorama = slide.panoramas[0]
    # first acquisition of first slide
    acquisition = slide.acquisitions[0]
        acquisition.channel_names,  # metals
        acquisition.channel_labels,  # targets

For a full list of available properties, please consult the API documentation of the Slide, Panorama and Acquisition classes (additional metadata is available through their metadata properties). The complete metadata embedded in IMC .mcd files is accessible through MCDFile.schema_xml (in proprietary XML format).

Reading slide images

IMC .mcd files can store slide images uploaded by the user (e.g., photographs) or acquired by the instrument. For supported image file formats, these images can be read as follows:

with MCDFile("/path/to/") as f:
    slide = f.slides[0]  # first slide
    img = f.read_slide(slide)  # numpy array or None

Reading panorama images

IMC .mcd files can contain zero or more panorama images acquired by the instrument, which can be read as follows:

with MCDFile("/path/to/") as f:
    panorama = f.slides[0].panoramas[0]  # first panorama of first slide
    img = f.read_panorama(panorama)  # numpy array


Slide.panoramas only exposes panoramas for which panorama images are available. The raw metadata accessible through MCDFile.schema_xml may contain additional panorama entries of type "Default" that represent “virtual” panoramas and do not correspond to actual images.

Reading IMC acquisitions

IMC .mcd files can contain zero or more IMC acquisitions, which can be read as follows:

with MCDFile("/path/to/") as f:
    acquisition = f.slides[0].acquisitions[0]  # first acquisition of first slide
    img = f.read_acquisition(acquisition)  # array, shape: (c, y, x), dtype: float32

Reading before/after-ablation images

The IMC instrument may be configured to acquire an optical image before/after each IMC acquisition. If available, these before/after-ablation images can be read as follows:

with MCDFile("/path/to/") as f:
    acquisition = f.slides[0].acquisitions[0]  # first acquisition of first slide
    before_ablation_img = f.read_before_ablation_image(acquisition)  # array or None
    after_ablation_img = f.read_after_ablation_image(acquisition)  # array or None