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In this step, image data will be prepared for processing with steinbock.

Various sources for raw data are supported by steinbock, each of which is described in the following. If you miss support for an imaging modality, please consider filing an issue on GitHub.

Optional preprocessing

Not all raw data require preprocessing. The steinbock framework natively supports input images saved in Tag Image File Format (TIFF), see File types. If your images are available in TIFF already, preprocessing may not be required.

Computational resources

Unless specified otherwise, steinbock converts all input images to 32-bit floating point images upon loading, see File types. For large images, this may exhaust a system's available random access memory (RAM). In these situations, it is recommended to run all operations on image tiles, see mosaics.

Imaging Mass Cytometry (IMC)

Preprocessing of IMC data consists of two steps:

  1. Create a steinbock panel file and, optionally, edit it to select channels
  2. Extract images from .mcd/.txt files according to the created steinbock panel file

Panel-based image extraction

The steinbock panel determines the presence and order of channels in the extracted images.

Panel generation

To create a steinbock panel file from IMC raw data:

steinbock preprocess imc panel

This will generate a steinbock panel file as follows:

  • If an IMC panel file (in IMC Segmentation Pipeline1 format, undocumented) exists at the specified location (defaults to raw/panel.csv), it is converted to the steinbock panel format.
  • If no IMC panel file was found, the steinbock panel is created based on the first acquisition in the first .mcd file found at the specified location (defaults to raw).
  • If no IMC panel file and no .mcd file were found, the steinbock panel is created based on the first .txt file found at the specified location (defaults to raw).

Panel file types

The steinbock panel file is different from the IMC panel file used in the original IMC Segmentation Pipeline1 in that it is ordered (i.e., the channel order in the panel matches the channel order in the images) and only requires channel and name columns (see File types). By default, channels in a steinbock panel file generated from IMC raw data are sorted by mass. As the steinbock panel format allows for further arbitrary columns, unmapped columns from an original "IMC panel" will be "passed through" to the generated steinbock panel.

Manual panel file creation

The steinbock panel file can also be created manually, following the steinbock panel format specification.

Image conversion

To convert .mcd/.txt files in the raw data directory to TIFF and filter hot pixels:

steinbock preprocess imc images --hpf 50

This will extract images from .mcd files at the specified location (defaults to raw). Each image corresponds to one acquisition in one file, with the image channels filtered and sorted according to the steinbock panel file at the specified location (defaults to panel.csv). For corrupted .mcd files, steinbock will try to recover the missing acquisitions from matching .txt files. In a second step, images from unmatched .txt files are extracted as well.

IMC file matching

Matching of .txt files to .mcd files is performed by file name: If a .txt file name starts with the file name of an .mcd file (without extension) AND ends with _{acquisition}.txt, where {acquisition} is the numeric acquisition ID, it is considered matching that particular acquisition from the .mcd file.

ZIP archives

If .zip archives are found in the raw data directory, contained .txt/.mcd files will be automatically extracted to a temporary directory, unless disabled using the --no-unzip command-line option. After image extraction, this temporary directory and its contents will be removed.

After image extraction, if the --hpf option is specified, the images are filtered for hot pixels. The value of the --hpf option (50 in the example above) determines the hot pixel filtering threshold.

Hot pixel filtering

Hot pixel filtering works by comparing each pixel to its 8-neighborhood (i.e., neighboring pixels at a Chebyshev distance of 1). If the difference (not: absolute difference) between the pixel and any of its 8 neighbor pixels exceeds a hot pixel filtering threshold, the pixel is set to the maximum neighbor pixel value ("hot pixel-filtered"). In the original implementation of the IMC Segmentation Pipeline1, a hot pixel filtering threshold of 50 is recommended.

  1. Zanotelli et al. ImcSegmentationPipeline: A pixel classification-based multiplexed image segmentation pipeline. Zenodo, 2017. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3841961

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