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Object measurement

In this step, object-level (e.g. single-cell) data will be extracted from segmented images.

Various types of data can be extracted, each of which is described in the following.

Collecting multiple object data from multiple images

To collect all object data (e.g. intensities, region properties) from all images into a single file, see Data export.

Object intensities

To extract mean object intensities per channel:

steinbock measure intensities

This will create object data tables in CSV format (see File types, one file per image). The default destination directory is intensities.

Pixel aggregation

By default, pixels belonging to an object are aggregated by taking the mean. To specify a different numpy function for aggregation, use the --aggr option (e.g. specify --aggr median to measure "median object intensities").

Region properties

To extract spatial object properties ("region properties"):

steinbock measure regionprops

This will create object data tables in CSV format (see File types, one file per image). The default destination directory is regionprops.

Region property selection

By default, the following scikit-image region properties will be computed:

  • area
  • centroid
  • major_axis_length
  • minor_axis_length
  • eccentricity

An alternative selection of scikit-image region properties can be specified in the regionprops command, e.g.:

steinbock measure regionprops area convex_area perimeter

Object neighbors

Neighbors can be measured (i.e., identified) based on distances between object centroids or object borders, or by pixel expansion. For distance-based neighbor identification, the maximum distance and/or number of neighbors can be specified.

Spatial object graphs

Pairs of neighbors can be represented as edges on a spatial object graph, where each cell is a vertex (node), and neighboring cells are connected by an edge associated with a spatial distance.

The following commands will create directed edge lists in CSV format (see File types, one file per image). For undirected graphs, i.e., graphs constructed by distance thresholding/pixel expansion, each edge will appear twice. The default destination directory is neighbors.

Centroid distances

To find neighbors by thresholding on distances between object centroids:

steinbock measure neighbors --type centroids --dmax 15

To construct k-nearest neighbor (kNN) graphs based on object centroid distances:

steinbock measure neighbors --type centroids --kmax 5

Distance metric

By default, the Euclidean distance distance is used. Other metrics can be specified using the --metric option, e.g.:

steinbock measure neighbors --type centroids --dmax 15 --metric cityblock

Available distance metrics are listed in the documentation for scipy.spatial.distance.pdist.

Distance-thresholded kNN graphs

The options --dmax and --kmax options can be combined to construct distance-thresholded kNN graphs, e.g.:

steinbock measure neighbors --type centroids --dmax 15 --kmax 5

Border distances

To find neighbors by thresholding on Euclidean distances between object borders:

steinbock measure neighbors --type borders --dmax 4

To construct k-nearest neighbor (kNN) graphs based on Euclidean object border distances:

steinbock measure neighbors --type borders --kmax 5 --dmax 20

Computational complexity

The construction of spatial kNN graphs based on Euclidean distances between object borders is computationally expensive. To speed up the computation, always specify a suitable --dmax value like in the example above.

Pixel expansion

To find neighbors by Euclidean pixel expansion (morphological dilation):

steinbock measure neighbors --type expansion --dmax 4

Pixel expansion versus border distances

Neighbor identification by pixel expansion is a special case of finding neighbors based on Euclidean distances between object borders, in which, after pixel expansion, only touching objects (i.e., objects within a 4-neighborhood) are considered neighbors.

CellProfiler (legacy)

Legacy operation

The output of this operation is not actively supported by downstream processing steps.

Pipeline preparation

To prepare a CellProfiler measurement pipeline:

steinbock measure cellprofiler prepare

Data/working directory

Within the container, your data/working directory containing the CellProfiler pipeline is accessible under /data.

By default, this will create a CellProfiler pipeline file cell_measurement.cppipe and collect all images and masks into the cellprofiler_input directory.

CellProfiler plugins

The generated CellProfiler pipeline makes use of custom plugins for multi-channel images, which are pre-installed in the steinbock Docker container. It can be inspected using CellProfiler as described in the following section.

Modifying the pipeline

To interactively inspect, modify and run the pipeline, open it in CellProfiler (see Apps):

steinbock apps cellprofiler

More detailed instructions on how to create CellProfiler pipelines can be found here.

Batch processing

After the pipeline has been configured, it can be applied to a batch of images and masks:

steinbock measure cellprofiler run

By default, this will generate (undocumented and unstandardized) CellProfiler output as configured in the pipeline and store it in the cellprofiler_output directory.

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