A general function to plot spatial locations of cells while specifying color, shape, size. Cell-cell interactions can be visualized in form of edges between points.

  coords = c("Pos_X", "Pos_Y"),
  node_color_by = NULL,
  node_shape_by = NULL,
  node_size_by = NULL,
  node_color_fix = NULL,
  node_shape_fix = NULL,
  node_size_fix = NULL,
  assay_type = NULL,
  draw_edges = FALSE,
  directed = TRUE,
  edge_color_by = NULL,
  edge_width_by = NULL,
  edge_color_fix = NULL,
  edge_width_fix = NULL,
  arrow = NULL,
  end_cap = NULL,
  colPairName = NULL,
  nodes_first = TRUE,
  ncols = NULL,
  nrows = NULL,
  scales = "fixed",
  flip_x = FALSE,
  flip_y = TRUE,
  aspect_ratio = "auto"



a SingleCellExperiment or SpatialExperiment object.


single character indicating the colData(object) entry containing the unique image identifiers.


character vector of length 2 specifying the names of the colData (for a SingleCellExperiment object) or the spatialCoords entries indicating the the cells' x and y locations.


single character indicating the colData(object) entry or marker name by which the nodes (cell locations) should be colored.


single character indicating the colData(object) entry by which the shape of the nodes are defined.


single character indicating the colData(object) entry by which the size of the nodes are defined.


single character or numeric specifying the color of all nodes.


single numeric or character specifying the shape of all nodes.


single numeric specifying the size of all nodes


single character indicating the assay slot from which to extract the expression data when node_color_by is set to one of rownames(object).


should cell-cell interactions be drawn as edges between nodes?


should cell-cell interactions be handled as a directed graph?


single character indicating by which to color the edges. See details for more information.


single character determining the size of the edges. See details for more information.


single character or numeric specifying the color of all edges.


single numeric specifying the size of all edges.


an arrow object specifying how to draw arrows between cells.


a geometry object specifying how long the edges are. This only takes effect when drawing arrows. Default: end_cap = circle(0.1, 'cm')


single character specifying the colPair(object) slot to retrieve the cell-cell pairings.


should the nodes be plotted first and then the edges?


number of columns of the grid to arrange individual images.


number of rows of the grid to arrange individual images.


one of "free", "fixed", "free_x" or "free_y" indicating if x- and y-axis ranges should be fixed across all images. Defaults to "fixed" to match physical units on the x- and y-axis.


flip the x-axis?


flip the y-axis?


single numeric, "auto" or NULL to define the relative ratio between the physical units of the x and y axis. If "auto" (default), the physical units match between the x and y axis if scales = "fixed". If scales = "free", the default aspect ratio is set to 1. Ignore setting the aspect ratio with aspect_ratio = NULL.


returns a ggplot object.

Visualizing cell locations and cell-cell interactions

By default, the cells' locations are visualized in form of points (here also referred to as "nodes") on a 2-dimensional plane. The cells' coordinates are extracted either from colData(object) slot (for a SingleCellExperiment input object) or from the spatialCoords(object) slot (for a SpatialExperiment input object). Node aesthetics are controlled by setting node_color_by, node_shape_by and node_size_by for associating the aesthetics with variables. If node aesthetics should be the same for all nodes, node_color_fix, node_shape_fix and node_size_fix can be set.

When draw_edges = TRUE, cell-cell interactions are visualized in form of edges between nodes. For this, object needs to contain column pairings in colPair(object, colPairName). Edge color and size can be set by specifying either an entry in mcols(colPair(object, colPairName)) (edge attributes) or in colData(object). In the latter case, edges are colored by attributes associated to the "from" node. Variable aesthetics can be set using edge_color_by and edge_width_by. If all edges should have the same width or color, edge_color_fix and edge_width_fix can be set.

Arrows for displaying directed graphs can be drawn by supplying a arrow object. Arrow attributes can be set within this class. To cap the edge before it reaches the next node, the end_cap parameter can be used.

See also

buildSpatialGraph for constructing interaction graphs

ggraph for handling graph aesthetics


Nils Eling (nils.eling@dqbm.uzh.ch)



sce <- buildSpatialGraph(pancreasSCE, img_id = "ImageNb", 
                         type = "knn", k = 3, directed = FALSE)
#> The returned object is ordered by the 'ImageNb' entry.

# Only nodes
plotSpatial(sce, img_id = "ImageNb",
            node_color_by = "CellType",
            node_shape_by = "ImageNb",
            node_size_by = "Area",
            scales = "free")

# With edges and nodes colored by expression
plotSpatial(sce, img_id = "ImageNb",
            node_color_by = "PIN",
            assay_type = "exprs",
            node_shape_by = "ImageNb",
            node_size_by = "Area",
            draw_edges = TRUE,
            colPairName = "knn_interaction_graph",
            edge_color_by = "Pattern",
            scales = "free")

# With arrows
plotSpatial(sce, img_id = "ImageNb",
            node_color_by = "CellType",
            node_shape_by = "ImageNb",
            node_size_by = "Area",
            draw_edges = TRUE,
            colPairName = "knn_interaction_graph",
            edge_color_fix = "green",
            arrow = grid::arrow(length = grid::unit(0.1, "inch")),
            end_cap = ggraph::circle(0.2, "cm"),
            scales = "free")