All functions |
Function to aggregate all neighbors of each cell. |
Aggregate consecutive pixels per single-metal spot |
Builds an interaction graph based on the cells' locations |
Summarizes cell-cell interactions within grouping levels (e.g. images) |
Detect the spatial community of each cell |
Detect the spatial context of each cell based on its neighborhood |
Filter pixels based on their assigned masses |
Filter spatial contexts |
Find cells at the image border |
Function to calculate minimal distance to cells of interest |
Function to detect patches containing defined cell types |
Function to compute the area of c3ll patches |
Visualizes the spatial locations and interactions of cells |
Plot spatial context graph |
Summarizes and visualizes the pixel intensities per spot and channel |
Reads one or multiple .txt files into a CytoImageList object |
Generates a SingleCellExperiment from .txt files |
Reads in single-cell data generated by the ImcSegmentationPipeline |
Reads in single-cell data generated by the steinbock pipeline |
Display all features measured by CellProfiler. |
Tests if cell types interact more or less frequently than random |