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Viewing IMC data

During image processing, raw IMC™ data files are converted into multi-channel .tiff or .ome.tiff files. These can be visualized using common image viewers, including ImageJ/Fiji and QuPath. Specialized image viewers are necessary to visualize acquisitions, panoramas and segmented objects.

MCD viewer

The MCD viewer distributed by Fluidigm® for Windows only allows visualization of MCD™ files. The user can view individual acquisitions (also referred to as regions of interest) and multiple channels.


The histoCAT1 software offers interactive visualization of IMC data. It requires pre-processing of raw IMC data using the IMC Segmentation Pipeline (see image processing) to generate single-channel .tiff files. When supplied segmentation masks, histoCAT can extract object-specific features and supports clustering, dimensionality reduction and interaction testing.

Read more in the Docs and in the paper.


A browser-based implementation of histoCAT is provided by histoCAT-web. Once deployed, histoCAT-web reads raw IMC data files and offers an extended set of histoCAT functionalities.

Read more in the Docs.


napari is a fast, interactive, multi-dimensional image viewer, and the napari-imc plugin can be used to directly read raw IMC data. The napari-imc plugin supports visualization of panoramas and multi-channel acquisitions in the machine's coordinate system (i.e., the panoramas and acquisitions are spatially aligned with respect to each other).

Read more in the paper.

  1. Shapiro D. et al. (2017) histoCAT: analysis of cell phenotypes and interactions in multiplex image cytometry data. Nature Methods