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Measurement of object features


After image segmentation to identify individual objects/cells, the next CellProfiler pipeline will measure single-object and single-image features. Set up the pipeline by importing the resources/pipelines/3_measure_mask.cppipe pipeline into CellProfiler and perform following steps:

  1. Drag and drop the analysis/cpout folder into the Images window.
  2. In the Output Settings adjust the Default Output Folder to analysis/cpout.
  3. In the Output Settings adjust the Default Input Folder to analysis/cpinp.

The following steps are part of the pipeline:

  1. Metadata: Metadata from the images (acname and acid) are matched and merged with image metadata generated during pre-processing (contained in the analysis/cpinp/acquisition_metadata.csv file).
  2. NamesAndTypes: The multi-channel images (stored in analysis/cpout/images), segmentation masks (stored in analysis/cpout/images) and the pixel probabilities (stored in analysis/cpout/probabilities) are read in and matched via their acquisition name (acname) and acquisition ID (acid).
  3. Segmentation masks are read in as 16-bit grayscale images and are converted to objects while keeping their original labels in place.
  4. For each cell its neighbors are detected by expanding the mask by a defined distance.
  5. The full stack channel intensities per object/cell are extracted. Make sure to adjust the channel number to your dataset. You can observe the total channel number in the analysis/cpout/images/..._full.csv files.
  6. The probability stack channel intensities per object/cell are extracted.
  7. The size and shape features per object/cell are extracted.
  8. The full stack channel intensities per image are extracted. Make sure to adjust the channel number to your dataset. You can observe the total channel number in the analysis/cpout/images/..._full.csv files.
  9. The probability stack channel intensities per image are extracted.
  10. The object/cell, image and experiment data is saved as .csv files. The cell.csv file contains single-cell features including intensity and morphological features. Here are a few notes to the export:
    • You can select a subset of features by setting Select the measurements to export to Yes. We usually work with the MeanIntensity cell measurements.
    • the intensity values are all scaled by a scaling factor corresponding to the bit depth. This scaling factor can be found in the Image.csv file in the Scaling_FullStack column. For 16-bit unsigned integer images (uint16) as we use them here the values are divided by 2**16 - 1 = 65535.
    • The channel identifier _c1, _c2, _c3, ... corresponds to the position in the ..._full.csv files found in the analysis/cpout/images folder.
    • The original acquisition description, acquisition frequencies, acquisition name, etc. can be found in the Image.csv output file as Metdata_... columns.
  11. The cell-cell neighbor information detected in step 4 are exported as .csv file containing an edge list.
  12. The final output are .csv files that contain additional metadata per measured feature. For the cell features the following information is written out: category (e.g. Intensity), image_name (e.g. FullStack), object_name, feature_name (e.g. MeanIntensity), channel (e.g. 1), parameters, channel_id (e.g. Ir191) and data_type (e.g. float)


After feature measurment the following files have been generated:

  • analysis/cpout/cell.csv: contains features (columns) for each cell (rows).
  • analysis/cpout/Experiment.csv: contains metadata related to the CellProfiler version used.
  • analysis/cpout/Image.csv: contains image-level measurements (e.g. channel intensities) and acquisition metadata.
  • analysis/cpout/Object relationships.csv: contains neighbor information in form of an edge list between cells.
  • analysis/cpout/var_cell.csv: contains feature metadata for all single-cell features.
  • analysis/cpout/var_Image.csv: contains feature metadata for all image features.