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Cell segmentation


To segment individual objects (here these are cells) in images, the following CellProfiler pipeline reads in pixel probabilities (generated in Ilastik pixel classification) for segmentation. Set up the pipeline by importing the resources/pipelines/2_segment_ilastik.cppipe pipeline into CellProfiler and perform following steps:

  1. Drag and drop the analysis/ilastik folder into the Images window.
  2. In the Output Settings adjust the Default Output Folder to analysis/cpout.

The following steps are part of the pipeline:

  1. The files ending with _Probabilities.tiff are read in as part of the NamesAndTypes module.
  2. The images containing pixel probabilities are downscaled by a factor of 0.5 to match the initial image dimensions.
  3. In ColorToGray the 3 channel probability images are split into their individual channels: channel 1 - nucleus; channel 2 - cytoplasm; channel 3 - background.
  4. The nulcear and cytoplasmic channels are summed up to form a single channel indicating the full cell probability.
  5. The nuclear probabilities are smoothed using a gaussian filter. This step can be adjusted or removed to increase segmentation success.
  6. The IdentifyPrimaryObjects module is crucial to correctly identifying nuclei. Use the test mode and enable the "eye" icon next to the module to observe if nuclei are correctly segmented. The advanced settings can be adjusted to improve segmentation.
  7. The MeasureObjectSizeShape module measures the size of the nuclei and the FilterObjects module filters nuclei below a specified threshold.
  8. The IdentifySecondaryObjects module expands from the identified nuclei to the border of the full cell probability generated in step 3 or until touching the neighboring cell.
  9. The segmentation masks are converted to 16-bit images.
  10. The segmentation masks are written out as 16-bit, single-channel .tiff images to the analysis/cpout/masks folder.
  11. The downscaled pixel probability images are written out as 16-bit, 3 channel .tiff images to the analysis/cpout/probabilities folder.


After image segmentation the following files have been generated:

  • analysis/cpout/masks: contains single-channel segmentation masks in 16-bit .tiff format. Segmentation masks are single-channel images that match the input images in size, with non-zero grayscale values indicating the IDs of segmented objects.
  • analysis/cpout/probabilities: contains 3 channel images in 16-bit .tiff format representing the downscaled pixel probabilities after Ilastik pixel classification.