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The steinbock Docker container exposes various third-party apps via the apps command.


Docker and graphical user interfaces

Running Ilastik using steinbock Docker containers requires support for graphical user interfaces (e.g. X forwarding).

To run Ilastik:

steinbock apps ilastik

Without additional arguments, this will start the graphical user interface of Ilastik.


Docker and graphical user interfaces

Running CellProfiler using steinbock Docker containers requires support for a graphical user interfaces (e.g. X forwarding).

To run CellProfiler:

steinbock apps cellprofiler

Without additional arguments, this will start the graphical user interface of CellProfiler.

Jupyter Notebook


Jupyter Notebook requires the specified port exposed and published via Docker.

To run Jupyter Notebook:

steinbock apps jupyter

Without additional arguments, this will start Jupyter Notebook on http://localhost:8888.

Jupyter Lab


Jupyter Lab requires the specified port exposed and published via Docker.

To run Jupyter Lab:

steinbock apps jupyterlab

Without additional arguments, this will start Jupyter Lab on http://localhost:8888.